What is a Dedicated Desk?

Dedicated Desk : This is a modality in which a worker has a fixed desk in the coworking space, although he shares the space with other professionals. The user has his own assigned desk and can customize the space as he wishes, which gives him a sense of ownership and comfort. This desk is reserved just for him, which means that he will not have to share it with other users.

Although the Dedicated Desk is a personal table or workstation, it is still part of the shared coworking space, so users have access to the common benefits of the place, such as breakout areas, meeting rooms, coffee services, etc. By having a fixed desk, users enjoy greater privacy to work, store their belongings, and manage their work team. This model is ideal for people who need a stable and secure place to leave their personal belongings or work equipment during the day or outside of it. Unlike hot desk workspaces, Dedicated Desk users can customize their space, bring their own furniture (if the coworking space allows it), and decorate the environment according to their preferences. However, the Dedicated Desk is usually more expensive than the hot desk model, as it offers more exclusivity and comfort. For some freelancers or small businesses, price may be a factor to consider.

A Dedicated Desk is an option within coworking spaces that combines the advantages of a fixed, personalized workstation with the benefits of a shared environment. It is ideal for those seeking a balance between privacy, comfort and the flexibility of working in a shared space. It offers users the security of having their own desk while maintaining access to the infrastructure and services of a coworking space.